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An earthquake occurs only when the slip velocity along the fault exceeds a certain value. Rupture properties, such as how fast the slip propagates (rupture speed) and the area that experiences the coseismic slip (rupture area), thus determine the level of damage incurred by an earthquake.

My research interests focus on resolving earthquake rupture properties through observation and modeling to understand the key factors controlling seismic behavior. My work covers a wide range of earthquake magnitudes, since earthquakes with different spatial scales may be sensitive to different factors.

  • For minor earthquakes with rupture lengths in the range of hundreds of meters, I study the detailed spatiotemporal distribution and source characteristics of earthquakes that are induced by fluid injection to understand the nucleation mechanisms of fault ruptures.

  • For intermediate earthquakes that rupture fault lengths on the order up to several kilometers, I investigate how factors such as the post-earthquake stress re-adjustment and fault geometry that control the seismogenic pattern of aftershock sequences at near-field and regional distances. I also explore the complex relationship between the geomechanics of geological structures and the source characteristics of intra-plate earthquakes.

  • For megathrust earthquakes with rupture length up to hundreds of kilometers, I examine the influence of large-scale variation in fault geometry (~100 km). Studying earthquakes in a wide range of magnitudes provides a comprehensive view of the interaction between earthquakes and fault properties. 

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